anti-wrinkle injections & others

Reclaiming youthful, smooth skin is now within reach with anti-wrinkle injections. These minimally invasive procedures target fine lines and wrinkles, effectively softening their appearance and restoring a more youthful complexion.

Results are typically noticeable within days, with minimal downtime, making it a convenient option for those seeking natural-looking rejuvenation

Our other injectable treatments are perfect for personal concerns that may affect day to day life.

1 Area

2 Areas

3 Areas

Additional areas from Lines and Wrinkles 0.5ml

Lines and wrinkles 1ml

Jaw reduction Neck/Platysmal bands Gummy smile














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This treatment is a popular choice for those looking to achieve a refreshed and more youthful look.

The treatment prevents or improves the premature signs of ageing including the appearance of lines that appear on the:

  • Forehead
  • Frown area
  • Around the eye area (crow’s feet)
  • Smile lines.

Dr Helai will assess your concerns at your consultation stage and advise which treatment is suitable for you.

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Jaw Reduction

Jawline slimming treatment is offered to clients wishing to slim down their profile and decrease the squareness of the jawline. Dr Maryam achieves this by placing the injection at the specific area needed to relax the jaw and give the appearance of a slimmer jawline.

Please book for a consultation with Dr Helai to discuss your treatment options.

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Platysmal Bands

The platysmal bands are two strips of muscles that start at the base of your neck, running up the front left and right sides of your neck all the way up to the jaw. They can become more prominent with ageing, or due to over use of the muscle.

Please book a consultation with Dr Helai to discuss your concerns.

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Gummy Smile

The gummy smile treatment is a popular treatment for those concerned with showing too much gum when they smile.

Please book for a consultation with Dr Helai to discuss treatment options on an individual basis.

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Bruxism (teeth grinding)

Teeth grinding can be a major problem for some. In severe cases, it can lead to a number of issues, including severe headaches.

Bruxism can occur when we sleep or in times of stress, and some are even unaware they are grinding until the onset of a migraine. Please book for a consultation with Dr Helai to discuss your treatment options.

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Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Sweating is a perfectly natural function of a healthy and active body. However, the body can produce excess sweat when anxious, or due to an overactive thyroid gland.

When this occurs, it can be uncomfortable. Prescription medication from your GP might not always work, so Dr Helai offers a consultation to discuss your alternative options.